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Equal Opportunities


Business with Integrity

People Practise

Equal Opportunities, Equal Dignity Without Discrimination

Wipro Infrastructure Engineering has merit at the core. Job aspirants are evaluated for employment purely on the basis of their competency, qualification and experience. Wipro is an equal opportunities employer and every team member at the Company enjoys equality in all aspects of employment right from recruitment to training, career progression and employment service.

As an employee, you will enjoy equal opportunity in all aspects of employment, including recruitment, training conditions of service and career progression. We have zero tolerance policy towards any violation of employee’s privacy and personal dignity. We do not tolerate the offensive behaviour, violence or harassment of any kind.


  • While hiring we do not regard race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, socio-economic background or sexual orientation.
  • All advertisements for posts give clear and accurate information to enable potential applicants to assess their own suitability for the post.
  • Information about vacant posts will be provided in such a manner that it does not restrict its audience in terms of sex, race, marital status, socio-economic background, disability, age, sexual orientation or religion.
  • Recruitment literature will not imply a preference for one group of applicants unless there is a genuine occupational qualification, which limits the post to this particular group, in which case this will be clearly stated.
  • All descriptions and specifications for posts will include only requirements that are necessary and justifiable for the effective performance of the job.
  • All selection procedures will be thorough, conducted against defined criteria and will deal only with the applicant's suitability for the job.
  • Applicants may contact the hiring team for any assistance during the recruitment process in case of any disadvantage faced due to any reason.
  • Any request for assistance in any manner due to a challenge faced by the applicant will not have any bearing on the candidature unless the job requirement excludes such challenges.
  • Where existing employees acquire a disability while in employment, we take necessary steps to enable them to retain their employment.

Diversity and Accessibility

  • We value and respect the cultural contribution of all our employees who are hired from different nationalities.
  • HR Departments are set up across all geographies to understand and craft processes and policies appropriate to the legal, social and business environment of the geography we are present in.
  • All offices and information systems are constantly revamped to incorporate the accessibility needs and requirements of employees.


  • Wipro's employees are given opportunities to be trained on appropriate skills, systems and processes regardless of sex, race, marital status, socio-economic background, disability, age, sexual orientation or religion.
  • All employees will be encouraged to discuss their career prospects and training needs with their Manager/Supervisor or the HR Department.

Business With Integrity

Business with Integrity is a Wipro Value. A finely articulated Code of Business Conduct (CoBC) helps us achieve the highest levels of transparency and propriety, thus strengthening the foundations of our business.

Code of business conduct

Every team member of Wipro is expected to read and understand the Wipro Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and the Integrity Manual (collectively referred to as "Code"), uphold these standards in day to day activities, comply with all applicable policies and procedures, and ensure that all agents and contractors are aware of, understand and adhere to these standards.


Wipro does not tolerate any malpractice, impropriety, abuse or wrongdoing. This policy has been introduced by the company to enable individuals to raise concerns about any malpractice, impropriety, abuse or wrongdoing at an early stage and in the right way, without fear of victimization, subsequent discrimination or disadvantage.

Spirit of Wipro

People Practices

Reward and Recognition

At Wipro, we believe every important milestone in the career of a team member need to be recognized and appreciated. It can be a simple thank you note or a mention in team meetings or a well designed formal event to recognize the achievement. Be it exemplary business results, service milestones or personal excellence demonstrated, we believe in celebrating them. We have several individual awards, team awards, long service awards, family support awards, to name a few.

Apart from these, we ensure exceptional performance is also recognized and rewarded through Talent Review Planning (TRP) process.

We firmly believe that it is imperative to let a team member know that their contribution to the organization is seen, valued and recognized. There is work is appreciated and valued.

Learning and Development

Wipro supports the career lifecycle needs of team members through different stages. Our programmes focus on areas like enhancing knowledge of global manufacturing practices, manufacturing and special processes, functional knowledge of operational excellence, quality, finance and HR processes. We have Leadership lifecycle programs for each step in the leadership ladder. Employee development is the topmost priority for us and we enable it through:

  • Learning opportunities to build capability through Training Programs, Action Learning, On-the-job Learning and Industry Exposure
  • Development interventions aligned to career plans: Mentoring, Coaching, Bubble Assignments, Leadership Programs
  • Additional interventions for specific roles through stretch assignments, cross-functional projects, role rotations, overseas/global assignments

Our Leadership & Development initiatives are focused on building technical, functional and leadership competencies of our team.

We also have a customized Behavioral and Leadership Training initiative, 'Wipro School' which addresses the key identified development priorities of select team members through the year. Wipro School focuses on development initiatives and behavioural training programs aimed at:

  • Building Leadership Capability
  • Developing role based Managerial and Behavioural Skills
  • Enhancing Team and Personal Effectiveness

The programs are run in collaboration with Wipro's Corporate Human Resource Development (CHRD) team and a combination of internal and external faculty and trainers.

We encourage employees to take ownership of their development process and steer their careers in directions which are aligned with their strengths and interests. Team members are encouraged to nominate themselves to programs published in the training calendar. They are also encouraged to seek out external learning opportunities in the form of training programs, conferences and seminars which aid in skill and knowledge building.

Career Growth

The Career growth process at Wipro is collaborative and inclusive. Every team member has visibility and understanding of the Organisation's strategy and plan and thereby has an in-depth knowledge of their Goals and Objectives (G&O). These are tied to overall business goals and achievements. Performance against G&O's is evaluated formally during periodic Performance Review cycles.

Wipro's Performance Management, Succession Planning and Development processes are geared towards the development and nurturing of high potential talent across levels in the organization. Our performance appraisal framework covers rating on key competency areas, identifying key strengths and improvement areas, management reviews and customer feedback.

In addition, our Talent Review and Planning (TRP) process conducted at Business unit or functional level identify young leaders who have the ability to take on larger or more critical roles in the organization. Performance appraisals, competency feedback, potential assessment are inputs for this process. Individual development plans are drawn up as a part of the exercise for the identified employees to groom and prepare them for future roles.

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